Zac Kindle
Quality Assurance
Zac had a hunch that SimplyLEDs was right up his alley after touring our facility. Zac quickly advanced to lead our QA department and brought new levels of quality that are now the standard—but even those new standards have been exceeded by a team inspired to be their best. Zac has met many personal goals while employed at SimplyLEDs, and enjoys being part of a working community that is bigger than yourself, yet incomplete without you.
Outside of work, Zac is a family man to his wife and daughter and remembers the importance of humility, that actions speak louder than words. If Zac ever wins the lottery, he would build a home with a soundproof basement, not for creepy reasons, but for the love of loud heavy metal (music, not fabrication). And what better way to celebrate a Zac Kindle national holiday than to take the metal out of the basement and bring it to a water park!