Camille Jensen
Material Handling/Production Assistant
Camille (Cami) Jensen has gifted SimplyLEDs with her hard work and determination to bring her best efforts to the job everyday. Her can-do, sky’s-the-limit attitude has won her the achievement of being unmatched in speed, building fixtures faster than anyone on the production line.
She prides herself in her ability to achieve her tasks quickly and produce quality work that can be relied on. Camille is grateful for the community element SimplyLEDs is building, and thrives in work that keeps her on her feet and all over the place.
After a day of hard work, this energizer bunny looks forward to spending time with her family while making dinner and unwinding to a movie.
IAQs (Infrequently Asked Questions)
So Camille, why did you choose to work at SimplyLEDs? I started working here because you were gracious enough to have me, I chose to stay here because of the family like atmosphere and the bond built between employees.
What would you do if you won the lottery? Pay off my house, replace the convertible top on my car, pay off my parents’ debt, and set the rest aside for a rainy day.
What makes working here different? Most jobs are typically repetitive and start to become mundane or tedious. Here, tasks change consistently and you play different roles throughout the day; no day is the same.